Casaverde is a ministry of Church on the Rock Melbourne, Florida. The ministry is located in Peronia, Guatemala, a very poor and high-risk area on the outskirts of Guatemala City. Casaverde means “greenhouse” in Spanish. We see Casaverde as a place where young sprouts (children and youth) can be cared for and nurtured in the Lord. Currently we are reaching out to the community for Christ in the following ways: (scroll down to see)
Ministry Opportunities in Guatemala
There are several ways people can support the ministry in Guatemala. First and foremost, we covet your prayers. We have many ongoing projects that you can support financially. In addition, we encourage everyone to go on at least one short-term mission trip to Guatemala.
There are several ways people can support the ministry in Guatemala. First and foremost, we covet your prayers. We have many ongoing projects that you can support financially. In addition, we encourage everyone to go on at least one short-term mission trip to Guatemala.

The Casaverde feeding program provides a safe and nurturing environment for nearly 200 children of Peronia. Many of these children are being raised in intensely difficult situations. Although poor in the eyes of the world, they really are treasures in the eyes of God.
Services are held throughout the week. Each evening a service is geared to a particular age group starting at age three and on up to age 15. The services are much like modern church services with opening prayer, praise, worship, and a Bible lesson followed by some sort of activity and then a simple dinner is served - generally, a sandwich on fresh, locally baked bread, a plate of chopped fruit, and a hot cereal drink. For most of the children, this meal is more than they would receive at home.
Services are held throughout the week. Each evening a service is geared to a particular age group starting at age three and on up to age 15. The services are much like modern church services with opening prayer, praise, worship, and a Bible lesson followed by some sort of activity and then a simple dinner is served - generally, a sandwich on fresh, locally baked bread, a plate of chopped fruit, and a hot cereal drink. For most of the children, this meal is more than they would receive at home.

We also have a private Christian school called “Colegio Rhema”. The school became a reality in 2006 through collaboration with the local church, and Pastor Gladys de Larios is responsible for its administration. The vision for the school is to offer to the community a Christian education option at a reasonable cost so as to make it available to many who otherwise would not be able to afford it. Currently, we provide classes from kindergarten through the sixth grades, and hope to soon offer the junior high grades as well. Together we are making it happen!
Our collaboration with the local church, El Shaddai Peronia, includes offering our facilities free of charge for Sunday and mid-week services, youth meetings, prayer meetings, etc. - reaching adults and families with the Word of God.
Our collaboration with the local church, El Shaddai Peronia, includes offering our facilities free of charge for Sunday and mid-week services, youth meetings, prayer meetings, etc. - reaching adults and families with the Word of God.
Chris Schoff

Missionary Chris Schoff oversees our ministry in Guatemala. Chris was born-again in March 1986 at New Covenant Fellowship which was renamed Church on the Rock Melbourne in 2006. While working at Harris Semiconductor Corporation, he participated in three short-term mission trips to Guatemala. In September 1992, at the age of 34, he moved to Guatemala permanently. During his first five years in Guatemala, he worked for two other missions already established in the area. In September 1995, he was given legal custody and subsequently adopted Raúl, a Guatemalan boy that had been abandoned by his parents and had been living on the street. In July of 1997, he assumed a struggling children’s ministry in Cuidad Peronia - now known as Casaverde. Each year the ministry prospers as Chris and his staff strive to bless the children of Guatemala. We truly serve a God who makes a difference!
Our Facilities in Peronia, Guatemala
(hover over pictures for a description and click on the pictures to see full size)
Hi-Lighting Pastor Anibal Corado
Pastor Anibal Corado was born in 1973 and came to know Christ in his late teens. He became involved with Casaverde Ministry in 2002 as a construction worker on our first building. Within a short period of time, he began helping out with our youth group and by 2005 began pastoring the local church as an apprentice under the leadership of Pastor Mario Larios. Eventually, he became a pastor in his own right - always collaborating with Casaverde Ministry and meeting with his congregation in our facilities. His background in construction has proven to be a valuable asset as he has overseen the major improvements necessary as we have expanded over the years obtaining three additional properties. In 2013, he married Maritza Orrego who had two young daughters from a previous marriage. Subsequently, they had a son together who is now six-years old.